Submission Guidelines

As a professional and rigorous Econ journal club, every article published in Equilibrium physical editions requires numerous Outline / Draft submissions and revisions, 2+ rounds of Peer Review, 1+1 Faculty Review, and an Editorial Board Review. For potential new writers, we hope you find the following guidelines helpful.

General Fall/Spring Timeline

Physical Volume & Online Journal

  • Physical Volume: Contributing Writers are required to submit the Outline / First Draft in the Fall semester and submit Draft revisions for 2+ rounds of Peer Review, 1+1 Faculty Reviews, and a final Editorial Review in the Spring semester. We announce the specific publication timeline via EQ Writer Mail List. To be added into the mail/Writer List, please visit GET IN TOUCH for more information.
  • Online Journal: Submit your work anytime via email ( Articles submitted for Online Journals would only require an Editorial Board Review and thus be published faster than Physical Volumes.

**Note: Articles for both Physical Volume and Online Journal would be archived on EQ website. The only differences are 1) the amount of review process and 2) appearance in physical copies. 

  • Article Categories: 
    1. Analysis-based Article: Conduct an original research piece of a similar style as papers published in academic journals. Here at EQ, our analysis-based articles are more of an extended abstract that summarizes your research. Common structures should contain paragraphs for Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion with corresponding subtitles, and the arrangement of paragraphs and wording allows relatively less flexibility. Along with your work, please figures or tables to better illustrate the findings. For more examples, please visit Analysis-based Article and past editions.
    2. Research Review: Pick one published paper/ honors undergrad thesis as the primary topic of interest and walk us through the paper. Writers need to split the Research Review into two parts: 1) first introduce the paper contents, and 2) provide reviewing opinion as reflection. The second part requires writers to find more papers to make such a judgement, and it is a great way to practice the process of doing a literature review for future coursework/ research. For more examples, please visit Research Review and past editions.
    3. Opinion Pieces: Write any topics of interest as you wish. Compared to an Analysis-based Article, an Opinion Piece hosts more room for the creative arrangement of paragraphs. Recent OPs contained, but were not limited to, trade war, housing market issues, and policy discussion. For more examples, please visit Opinion Pieces and past editions.
    4. Faculty Interview: Prepare an interview outline and enjoy the conversation with faculty members. This is a perfect way to know more about the Professors and their research fields. When engaging in Faculty Interview, please include information of Equilibrium in the request email and ask consent for publishing the interviewing details. For more examples, please visit Faculty Interview and past editions.
  • Formatting:
    1. Word Count: A published EQ article typically contains 1000-1500 words, with 2000 words in maximum.
    2. Provide citation and a well-organized reference list. Style of citation is not limited. EQ encourages all writers who tend to submit Analysis-based Article or Research Review to cite journal papers as a more rigorous writing convention.
    3. Include 2 figures in maximum. Give credit to all the figures that are not original from writer’s own production.
    4. For Outline/ Draft submission and publication timeline, Equilibrium announces all detailed information via emails. To be added to our writer list, please visit “GET IN TOUCH”. The journal writing process occurs primarily in the Fall semester and the winter break, and all rounds of review normally take place in the Spring semester. Contributing Writers are required to submit each Outline & Drafts file to corresponding folders to proceed the publication process.
    5. We also encourage all writers to submit for EQ Online Journal. The reviewing process is simplified with only one Editorial Board review. To submit your work for Online Journal, please send your piece as attachment to


Last Edited: January 2023. Vol.13.